Which decentralized finance projects can show high returns, why DeFi segment is able to grow actively even if the trend is bearish and how the US authorities will control the industry
The total blocked value of assets in decentralized finance (DeFi) projects exceeded $111 billion in November, setting an all-time high, according to DeFi Pulse. In 2021, the DeFi sphere has grown manifold, and many new decentralized projects have emerged in the crypto market. Experts have predicted what will happen to the industry next year and what risks may await investors looking to invest in DeFi projects.
The segment of the decentralized finances today has the highest liquidity and investment attractiveness, the senior analyst noted. In his opinion, the prospects for the DeFi sphere will remain at a high level even in moments of a bearish trend in the crypto market.
The DeFi segment will continue to grow for years to come because stabelcoins are the driving force behind the industry, the analyst said. In case of other cryptocurrency trend of recent years – NFT, it does not have such a stable basis and NFT market is more subject to moods and manipulations of investors, Zuborev explained.
The decentralized finance segment will only grow and develop in the future, the crypto-exchange financial analyst is confident. He argues that it is on the basis of DeFi-projects that the entire financial system of the world will change.
“Hence, there will probably be close attention from regulators, because the future is behind these technologies,” the analyst added.